Packages Delivered for Less
Tools for a More Efficient Business
One important tool is the CPS Address Verification
Module (AVM). The AVM provides CASS-level address verification with
automatic residential and commercial service correction for all address
data entered into CPS. Add the AVM and you need nothing else for total
address verification..
"After we started using the Address Verification
Module, our weekly address correction charges dropped from $120 to nothing."

Savings Calculator
In addition to the savings of getting your
packages delivered to the right address the first time, CPS has other
powerful tools to allow you to select the best way to ship. The BestWay
Calculator lets you play interactive "how much" until you find the
right way to ship a package. Step it up a notch with CPS RateBots.
Set up user defined, predetermined business rules, then let the RateBot
find the best price for your shipments. RateBots give you powerful, automatic
best rate price shopping.
It does not
stop there. Smart RateBots find the best price for delivery within
a specific number of days or geographic location. Unbelievable savings
can be realized using RateBots and Smart RateBots in CPS, a true multi-carrier
shipping software system.
After you get
your shipping costs under control, it is time to increase your sales and
market size. Use the CPS Flat Rate Calculator to help you determine
the right "flat rate" amount to charge for shipping. Why limit your market
size by using actual shipping charges?
Put these tools
to work, then print the RateBot Savings Report to monitor how well
your changes are rewarding your business. This report shows your savings
over a given period of time. You can see the results of the changes you
make, putting you totally in control.
"I love and appreciate CPS and just could
not manage my business without it."
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